The Dangers of Untreated Injuries - Lake Pointe Orthopaedics | Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine



The Dangers of Untreated Injuries

untreated injuries

If you’re the kind of person that needs to be dragged to the doctor when experiencing physical pain, this is the article for you. You may think that time heals all, but it doesn’t! Untreated injuries are avenues for more discomfort in the long term. By putting off the doctor now, you may be doubling your visits in the future.

There are three types of injuries that are commonly left untreated: fractures, concussions and tissue damage. “Pushing through” the pain may not be the best decision—read on to find out why.

An Untreated Fracture

A fracture is suspected when you experience pain, swelling or bruising over a particular area of your body. Any deformities or angulations would also signal a fracture. If you cannot put any weight on the body part in question or notice a grinding sensation, it is time to see a doctor for an x-ray diagnosis.

The standard treatment for a fracture is typically immobilization via a cast. Depending on the severity of the injury, surgery may be recommended. Often, patients feel like they do not have the time to undergo surgery or the finances to support it. This leads to untreated injuries, which can take up more time and money the longer it is left alone.

One of the risks of leaving a fracture alone includes excessive, chronic pain with an increased chance of re-fracturing the same body part. If your injury does not heal correctly, there is also the risk of deformity, which will cause more pain in the long term.

A misaligned bone opens the door to joint damage through cartilage degeneration. This causes friction and inflammation, increasing arthritic symptoms. Alongside this would be muscle, ligament or nerve damage, affecting your soft tissue.

Even more severe risks are blood clots and tissue or bone death. These complications could be prevented if you treat your injury immediately after the fracture incident.

Untreated Concussions

Many symptoms suggest the possibility of concussion: loss of consciousness/blackouts, headaches, nausea, vomiting, confusion, dizziness, vertigo, memory loss, noise and light sensitivities, ringing in the ears, fatigue, etc.

A traumatic brain injury results from any blow to the head or forceful whiplash. It should be taken very seriously by consulting with your doctor to ensure the best practices are being taken to heal the injury.

The risk of not treating a concussion leads to post-concussive syndrome, resulting in various health issues. Disrupted sleep patterns and uncontrolled emotional outbursts could signal a more serious problem, leading to brain swelling, epilepsy and mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

The Risks of Tissue Damage

Everyone is subject to the possibility of tissue damage regardless of age. The severity may vary, as tendonitis tends to emit moderate pain, while rotator cuff tears, ALC tears and Achilles tendon ruptures are often agonizing and debilitating. No matter the pain level, you still want to receive treatment for these injuries.

Allowing these untreated injuries to fester will increase your pain while affecting your stability and standard capabilities. Going about your regular schedule while suffering from instability and disability risks re-injury. Arthritis is also a common symptom of untreated soft tissue injuries.

Treat your Untreated Injuries!

We understand that doctor’s visits and physical therapy can be a hassle—but not as much of a hassle as the side effects of untreated injuries. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms in relation to the previous injury, contact us to set up an appointment.

We at Lake Pointe Orthopedics & Sports Medicine aim to provide our patients with quality care. That means setting you up with the right information needed to heal: background information, treatment instructions, etc. We personalize our care for each individual, setting you up for success from your first visit to your last.

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